‘Slack2Watson (1): Connect API Connect to Serverless OpenWhisk’ is part 1 of an application called Slack2Watson, which integrates a ChatBot into Slack and allows you to retrieve information about events via Slash Commands in Slack. In part 1, I will set up the ‘API Connect’ service and link the APIs in ‘API Connect’ to the OpenWhisk functions.
Integration is managed using API management in ‘API Connect,’ serverless or event-based APIs in OpenWhisk, and IBM Watson to create the Conversation bot. Some data is retrieved via Google Sheets API.
- Create API Connect API v1.0.0
- Publish the API
- Create an OpenWhisk action
- Connect API Connect to OpenWhisk
This tutorial uses the OpenWhisk service and the API Connect service on http://bluemix.net, the IBM Cloud. Create an account on IBM Bluemix to run this tutorial.
1. Create API Connect API v1.0.0
- Go to the Bluemix Catalog,
- In the left menu select the ‘APIs’ category, and click the ‘API Connect’ service,
- Click the ‘CREATE’ button to create the ‘API Connect’ service,
- Click the ‘Sandbox’ icon to go to the Sandbox view with a list of products, which currently says ‘There are no products available in the selected catalog.’,
- Go to the ‘Navigate to’ icon next to the ‘Home’ icon, and click ‘Drafts’, which will take you by default to the ‘Drafts’ view in the ‘Designer’ perspective,
- In the ‘Drafts’ view, you see a ‘Products’ tab and an ‘APIs’ tab, click the ‘APIs’ tab,
- Click the ‘ADD’ button and add a ‘New API’ titled ‘<username>-slack2watson’
- Title: ‘<username>-slack2watson’
- Name: ‘<username>-slack2watson’
- Base Path: /slack2watson
- Version: 1.0.0
- Click the ‘Create API’ button,
- In the ‘Design’ tab, click the ‘Paths’,
- Add a new Path ‘/hello’, and Save the Design,
- Go to the ‘Assemble’ tab,
- By default, you will see there is an ‘Invoke’ node,
- Delete the ‘Invoke’ node, and add a ‘Switch’ node, by dragging the ‘Switch’ node from the left menu of nodes, to the empty line between the 2 nodes,
- Make sure the Switch node is selected, click to select the ‘Case 0’ line below the Switch node. It will popup all unassigned Paths. Select the ‘GET /hello’ Path we created earlier,
- Next, from the left menu, drag a ‘Set Variable’ node to the ‘GET /hello’ case,
- Edit the settings,
- Title: ‘set-message-body’,
- Action: Set,
- Set: message.body,
- Type: string,
- Value: Remko
2. Publish the API
- To make an API available to the public, we must generate a Product from the Draft. Click the top-right dropdown list and select ‘Generate a default product,’
- Click the ‘Create product’ button,
- This will generate a public API,
- Click the ‘Explore’ button, which takes you to the Explorer view of the Sandbox,
- Click the ‘GET /hello’ path in the left menu, and scroll down to the ‘Call Operation’ button,
- Click the ‘Call Operation’ button to test the ‘GET /hello’ request,
- Close the Explorer perspective, by clicking the ‘close’ cross in the top-right, click in the top-left the ‘All APIs’ breadcrumb, and click the ‘Products’ tab. You now see a product listed in the Products page,
- From this Dashboard, you can ‘depricate’, ‘retire’ or ‘delete’ API products, or change the ‘Visibility’ of an API,
- Click the Explore > Sandbox,
- In the top of the Explorer view, you see the base path of the API product,
- To make a REST call to the GET /slackapp/hello resource, call, use the full URL,
3. Create an OpenWhisk action
To install the OpenWhisk command-line tool, see https://console.ng.bluemix.net/openwhisk/learn/cli.
- Go back to Bluemix, expand the top-left menu and go to OpenWhisk,
- In the OpenWhisk site, click the ‘Develop in your Browser’ button or the ‘Develop’ tab,
- Click the ‘Create an Action’ button,
- Name the new action ‘getNames’, and click the ‘Create Action’ button,
- Edit the action as follows,
function main(params) {
return { names: ['Remko', 'Joe', 'Luke'] };
} - Click the ‘Make It Live’ button,
- Click the ‘View REST Endpoint’ link at the bottom-right,
- Scroll down and click the ‘View Full Command’ button, and copy the full curl command,
- The HTTP header for Authorization contains a base64 encrypted string of ‘username:password’,
- You can find the authorization credentials at this page https://console.ng.bluemix.net/openwhisk/learn/cli, which also includes installation instructions for the OpenWhisk command-line (wsk cli) utility,
- The authorization credentials are in the format ‘username:password’,
- The username and password or authorization credentials can also be retrieved via the ‘wsk cli,’
- Send a POST request via the command-line curl tool,
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Basic AGH123KHDIUaZko=" "https://openwhisk.ng.bluemix.net/api/v1/namespaces/remkohdev%40us.ibm.com_test/actions/getNames?blocking=true"
- or replace the namespace string by an underscore,
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Basic AGH123KHDIUaZko=" "https://openwhisk.ng.bluemix.net/api/v1/namespaces/_/actions/getNames?blocking=true"
- Parse the ‘result.response’ for the response of the OpenWhisk action,
"response": {
"result": {
"names": ["Remko", "Joe", "Luke"]
4. Connect API Connect to OpenWhisk
- Open the ‘API Connect’ service, go to the ‘Drafts’ view,
- Open the ‘APIs’ tab, and click the latest version of the API,
- This opens the ‘Designer’ perspective,
- Click the ‘Design’ tab, and browse to ‘Properties,’
- We will create two properties that we will use later in the configuration of the ‘Invoke’ node,
- First create a new Property ‘wsk.username’ by clicking the + icon, and configure as follows
- Property Name: wsk.username,
- Under ‘Add Value’, for the ‘Default’ Catalog, for ‘Value’ enter the OpenWhisk username,
- Second, create a new Property ‘wsk.password’ by clicking the + icon, and configure as follows
- Property Name: wsk.password,
- Under ‘Add Value’, for the ‘Default’ Catalog, for ‘Value’ enter the OpenWhisk password,
- Click the ‘Assemble’ tab,
- Delete the ‘Set Variable’ node on the ‘GET /hello’ case,
- Drag a new ‘Invoke’ node onto the ‘GET /hello’ case,
- Configure the ‘Invoke’ node,
- Title: invoke-wsk-getNames,
- Description: invoke OpenWhisk getNames action,
- URL: https://openwhisk.ng.bluemix.net/api/v1/namespaces/_/actions/getNames?blocking=true,
- Username: $(wsk.username),
- Password: $(wsk.password),
- HTTP Method: POST,
- Response object variable: wsk.response,
- Drag a new ScriptGateway node onto the ‘GET /hello’ case after the ‘Invoke’ node,
- Configure the gatewayscript to run the following script,
var wskresponse = apim.getvariable('wsk.response');
apim.setvariable('message.body', {'wskresponse': wskresponse} ); - The script first reads the response from the OpenWhisk Invoke, then sets the response body,
- Save the changes to the API Draft, and ‘Save as a new version’, enter ‘1.1.0’, and ‘Generate a default product,’
- You now have 2 published products,
- Retire version 1.0.0.
- Slack2Watson (2): Integrate Slack Slash Commands into API Connect,
- Make the API Connect API private via an API Key, adding proper API Management,
- Parse the Google Sheets API and complete the OpenWhisk API,
- Add Watson Conversation,
- Automate build and deployment.